To be a savvy flower buyer, its important to know who you are dealing with and where they are located. Do you really want to give your credit card information to someone in India or China who works for an order gatherer that claims they are a local florist, when in reality they will use their wire services (FTD, Teleflora, 1-800-Flowers, etc.) to send your order to a locally owned shop in wherever USA.
Did you know that all wire services are all members of each others services. These not-so-local-florists will charge you extra fees... service/relay/handling/shipping/convenience fees ranging from $7.95 to $25.00 on top of your order and delivery fee. I often wonder when we receive an order from an order gatherer such as, or for $ much did the sender actually pay???
Here are two videos on YouTube you might like to see.
Of course I am sure there are many deliveries that had better results than these....but I still think you should call your local florist.
I know it might seem easy to order flowers online this way, but so many brick and mortar shops as websites where you can order flowers 24/7 and the order prints out directly at their shop, such as ours @
If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change. Author Unknown
Great article. Everyone should support local businesses - it just makes sense.